Qualcomm might have allowed Xiaomi to leak its new Snapdragon 768G 5G SoC even before launch. Earlier, a new K30 5G Speed Edition with the SoC, got listed on While many thought it could be a typo, a tipster has recently posted the specifications of the SoC on twitter and it looks like the SoC is already commercially ready now. Going into the details, a tipster named @xianjingmaoxian has posted the specifications of the SoC on twitter. The new Snapdragon 768G SoC has 5G support like the 765G that launched a few months back. It is shown as an Octa-core CPU with similar cluster arrangement as the 765G, but with different clock speeds. The Snapdragon 768G seems to have two High-performance cores clocked at 2.8GHz and 2.4GHz, while the power-efficient Cluster made up of six cores are clocked at 1.8GHz. This makes us believe that the same Cortex-A76 arrangement found on the 765G, is likely to be on the new SoC as well. On the GPU side of things, it is supposed to have th...